Posts Tagged ‘gardening


Am I going to be a successful farmer … or not?

Parsley  sprouts.

Parsley sprouts.

I am a moderate green thumb, or so I thought. Back home, I had flowering garden, and did ever harvested a 6 soy beans and bunch of chili padis… but the chili plant was overrun by aphids and died off eventually. All other plants seems to have blossomed in my care (neglected more often)… guess those were low maintenance kind.

Parsley now

Parsley now

Now a farm is not low on the maintenance scale…. so am I going to make it? Time will tell, but clearly the corn is struggling, the onions are amongst the weeds and the parsley is under slug attack.

Corn sprouts, 1st batch ... did not grow beyond that stage.

Corn sprouts, 1st batch … did not grow beyond that stage.

About that parsley. Its our favorite herb addition to soups and ceviche. Doug wants it bad. Its the 1 plant that he wanted me to get going, although I knew that it is a high maintenance herb, I had to give it a shot. The 1st batch of parsley is for gaining experience. Ok, so I discover that it is easier to maintain parsley in a pot, like a house plant rather than in soil. For 1, slugs don’t crawl over the mesh wire to get to it :). And its easier to control the weeds from overwhelming the plant.

Onions greens, some stems harvested. Surrounded by weeds...

Onions greens, some stems harvested. Surrounded by weeds…

I myself would love to harvest corn for the grill… and hopefully some Indian corn… but I haven’t got any Indian corn seeds yet. Trying just the regular corn types 1st. I thought corn would be easy, but I got the soil wrong. Planted it in rich soil and it didn’t grow well after the initial sprouting. Had to look it up and aha! Corn prefers sandy and water regularly. Just started the 2nd batch, hope for better results.

Snap peas and the trellis.

Snap peas and the trellis.

Onions are a very interesting specie. I have always wondered how to plant onion to get onions… Did my research, bought my seedlings… not sure what will become of it … but sure we can enjoy snippets of greens throughout the season.

The potted garden on my well organized kindling drying rack.

The potted garden on my well organized kindling drying rack.

Apparently the snap peas enjoys the home build trellis. Its growing fast and looking good 🙂 This is the easiest to farm and rather expensive at the US grocers. … Unlike in SG, its cheap and always available in small serving size. That’s the incentive for getting a good crop. Hope I have snap peas in fall … fingers crossed.

Here is the potted farm sitting on the kindling drying rack. Looks neat?

Sailing 2015: Port Townsend(WA, US) -> Costes Island (BC, Canada)

Sailing 2013: Singapore -> Okinawa -> Kobe

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