Archive for January, 2018


Snowed in and super cold Christmas

Preparing to go out.

Deep freeze winter arrive early this year and hung around for the whole time between Christmas and New Years… and still here. To go out in these -ve ‘F temperature, we gotta dress for it…

Standing by the snowbank, ready for the walk.

Long thermal underwear, pull thick woolen socks over the top of them and then fully lined fleeced pants. For the top, I needed a fleece zip up jacket over long sleeve T and my heaviest wind and water proof jacket. Dont forgot fully lined waterproof mittens.

So here I am, fully wind chill and water proof, except for the face, going to walk 1/4 mile to the supermarket. Should have gotten the scarf, but I thought it would be okay for such a short walk. And yeah, I didnt miss it…

What else is there to do? Build a couple of snowman in the patio

1 thing tho, there are a lot of frozen walkway thats really slippery. Doug’s heavy boots worked well for him, my crocs dont quite have the bite… I had a few skids along the way and only once fell hard onto my butt and elbow. I was doing so well until the last 3 steps back to the apartment. Drats!

How does that look?

Okay, so its a long Christmas weekend and I am bored… so I went out to build a snowman. It was so cold that it was hard work to pack the fluffy snow. I had to push, press and blow on it a lot. It takes pressure and some heat to melt a few snow flakes and just enuf for it to fuse and freeze again into the shape.

… Finally I got the right shape for 1 snowman, I was so tired that I abandoned the 2nd one that was started. Went inside to warm up for a while….

Then I decided to really go at it, while inside the warm apartment… to make sunglasses and vest for the little guy… But it dont seem complete without a hat. And I found a key cover that I was crochetting, seems like the perfect size… 🙂

Well, I guess this little fella is gonna stay around for a long time … with the kind of cold that we have…

Sailing 2015: Port Townsend(WA, US) -> Costes Island (BC, Canada)

Sailing 2013: Singapore -> Okinawa -> Kobe

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January 2018

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