Archive for January, 2020


Cats surviving their 1st winter in PNW



Cosy little beds

Having moved from all year tropical warm Singapore to the temperate Pacific Northwest of USA, high on everybody’s mind is how would they adapt to the cold winter?

And they can always cuddle.

So we all got here in early fall where it is never warmer than Singapore, with some comfy cool nights where heat source is not needed. Nevertheless, I must get them ready for winter…. The fully insulated workshop building is their primary residence, but it is not completely finished and the future fireplace will not be ready this winter.

Something COOL is in the works

1st, start off with simple beds, which evidently they enjoy… 🙂 I am always happy to see they many napping configurations. Always too cute, never can resist taking pictures of them in bed.

Fleeced tent.

I read that the ideal temperature for cats is between 60 to 80 degrees F, but keeping the whole building electrically heated to 60 F when its 30 F outside will cost too much. For now, I put up a flimsy curtain of tarp and use a ceramic space heater in a 6′ x 6′ area of the workshop. In addition, I built a little kitty tent and place a heating pad for cats in it. With this setup, I am pretty sure that when it is freezing outside, the kitties can be warm and toasty.

How about it? Heated pad under a tent in a small heated room

Well, it is winter now, and it was 25 F for a few days last week. Fortunately there was no power outages in my neighborhood…. phew! But we were prepared for that too. A portable propane heater is at the ready. As it is, the winter is not over.

For now, it seems like my heating bill for the kitties is a low $30 each month. I impress even myself…. But above all, kitties seem to be having a good time in this setup.

Sailing 2015: Port Townsend(WA, US) -> Costes Island (BC, Canada)

Sailing 2013: Singapore -> Okinawa -> Kobe

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