Archive for December, 2011


Thanksgiving 2011

Sun rising over the desert..

Yes yes, that was like 3 weeks ago… but here are the pictures.. šŸ™‚ . Sorta have to finish where I left off…

The little mount is fully lighted by the morning sun.

We were at Arizona on that day and had no one to share a Turks … and no way to cook one ourselves with the limited kitchen in our motel room… so what do we do? Hit the roads!

Oh, BTW…Ā the time stamp on the photos are SG time. I didnt switch to the actual time in AZ… okay its really not nighttime… got it!?

Thats when you finally see the sun...

I thought it might be good to see sunrise over the Canyons… a new experience for me I hope. … and it was freezing cold ! Really 36f! Well.. cold is fun too… for a short time it is anyway. …

So we get out for a little bit, then jump back into the heated car cabin and pheww……… yes, thats how I spend predawn… jumping in and out of the car…

Thanksgiving at the Chapel of Holy Spirit

SunriseĀ  over this high elevation hilly area is an interesting thing. You know its coming and you see the shadows of darkness being taken over everywhere around you. First you see the lighted up tip of a canyon, and you can use the line markings like a sundial. Finally the edge of light/darkness creeps towards you and viola ! you’re in daylight!

Me at the chapel.

Our destination is the famous church in Sedona… Divine intervention orĀ just coincidence, I dunno, but here we are,Ā  at the Chapel of the Holy Spirit on Thanksgiving.Ā 

There are many homes/church around here, butĀ this isĀ the most distinguishable man-made structure amongst them.

Pets of the brothers at the Chapel...

We were almost the 1st visitors of the day.. even the little church shop was not yet opened. Spent a good hr enjoying the beautiful crisp morning weather, golden glow and red earth and serenity inside the Chapel.

Plentiful harvest. Cactus apple... i think they are edible.

These are Cactus apples. They are everywhere along the path. I wonder do people eat them… really…

These Chipmunks are regulars at the feeding stone. I think the brothers throws a handful of seeds to them every morning.

The mansion.

And there was this really obnoxious mansion by the foot of the Chapel. Hmmph! And everyone who visits the Chapel will definately not miss seeing it..

2 meanings to this. Everyone cant miss seeing it, and nobody should miss seeing it! HmmPH!

Did I tell you about that obnoxious mansion!

Ok, its still early. Barely 10am when we decided that we’ve seen enuf around here.. so whats next…? Drive by Oak creek? We hear that its really beautiful…

Its really yellow and white around Oak Creek

And it didnt disappoint. This is really beautiful country, totally not like a desert! Pine trees and a creek. Fast flowing in some areas. Driving is gorgeous around here.

Whitish cliffs at Oak creek.

Plenty of yellow against white cliffs… its amazing that Sedona and Oak creek are so near, yet they look so different that they feel so far…

…. and for some reason, I like white cliffs better than red cliffs.. . šŸ™‚Ā  … and autumn colors better than arid evergreen!

Sailing 2015: Port Townsend(WA, US) -> Costes Island (BC, Canada)

Sailing 2013: Singapore -> Okinawa -> Kobe

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December 2011

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