
we moved!

The last time I moved was 2000. Hey, that was 11 years ago. Back then it was easy. Only big thing was the TV, everything else were taken down into smaller pieces. All other appliances were brand new and delivered.

Old living room... bright and cheery

Here, a one last look at the place I vacated. Looks so much better empty than when we had stuff all over the place. I will miss it, but I am happy to know that the next owner does not intend to redo the floors and will keep the mosaic stove top… πŸ™‚ I did that!

Old kitchen. Empty.

I did take my own sweet time in renovating the apt back then. No rush and with very tight budget. Manage to get it under $10K and plus new appliances at $3k. That was a bargain! Me thought.

How different it feels again, empty old little apt. Nice, bright and airy… cosy… I am gonna miss this place. .. but the new place is huge and have lots of potential… It might just turn out to be another nice, bright, airy and SPACIOUS abode… I made the difference when I reno’ed the old place… (it didnt look half as nice when I bought it, take my word for it)..Β  this new apt is gonna be better than that!

Just moving in...

The early stages.. just moving our enormous amount of junk that were accumulated over 11yrs. Where is everything!? How do ya get to anything!? … wait… I cant find the picture on this one… my point exactly!

And now, we have just passed the rubble stage… Yes! Gone are the horrible looking kitchen and cabinets!

Next, into reconstruction stage. A new kitchen in the yard, a new airconned workroom, lounge and guestroom…

The truth… its not all that clear to me yet… but I sure it will all work out just right.. πŸ™‚ Always positive…

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Sailing 2015: Port Townsend(WA, US) -> Costes Island (BC, Canada)

Sailing 2013: Singapore -> Okinawa -> Kobe

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